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Paperman Style!

Okay, so there's this short film called Paperman, and it looks amazing, and it has a cute story (go watch it if you haven't ever seen it!) but anyway, it is in a different style than we've seen before. It's a mix between the CGI style that we're used to seeing now, (it's been used in all of the recent animation films, Reck-it-Ralph, The Toy Story movies, How to Train Your Dragon, the Shrek movies, and many, many more.) and the old way of hand drawing each frame, (used in movies such as Snow White, Cinderella, Pinocchio, Sleeping Beauty, and more made in that time period). The director, John Kahrs, talks about how when he first came to Disney, the storyboard art really inspired him, and he was sad some of it never made it to the movie. Because of that, he came up with the idea for this hybrid, first putting the animation in CGI, and then going back and drawing in the line art, while a computer program draws in transition frames. It's really very cool, so if you want to read or watch more (there's some videos), click this link!--->

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