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Hello all!

So, the other day in English, we got this project called Genius Hour. Basically, what is, is a project where the students can pick whatever they want to learn about, so long as they're doing a thorough job of it, and they can present it in such a way that the answer is not straight forward, but can spark debate. I decided to learn about the process one would go about animating something. As an artist myself, (I even made a website with my work on it! (shameless self promotion!)) I find this very interesting, especailly since I'm thinking about making animation into a career. Another thing about this project is we have to make a blog for it to record our progess, hence this site. My goal for this project is to learn how animation artist animate their movies and short films and their process of doing it. I haven't done much research yet, but if there are different processes for different types of animation, I'd like to why and how it's done. By the end of this project I'd like to know the most used process of animation, and if there are differences between processes for different styles of animation I'd to know the process of an animation style I find interesting. And eh, that's basically it for now.

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